Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Cat's Meow, er, Poop

Frustrated with his job search, a gentleman from St. Louis sent bundles of cat droppings to each of those companies who rejected him.  (Article link here:  Aside from the obvious repercussions including two years’ probation, this job seeker will forever be known as the cat-poop guy.  

How does that increase his chances of landing a new job now?

I have a couple of thoughts regarding these antics. First, if he channeled that ‘creative’ energy into his cover letters, or his interviews, could the outcome have been different?  When recruiters google his name (and they will), this article will appear, and he more than likely won’t get a phone call.  Such a shame, too, since at least twenty companies saw value in his resume AND presumably the phone call, enough to warrant a face to face interview.  Better directing his energies could have changed this outcome.

Second, what he did was illegal, as demonstrated by receiving the probation time. His antics (I’m calling them antics, because they were, in fact, childish) reached several people, not just the intended targets, including but not limited to postal workers, receptionists, office workers, other peoples’ mail, etc.  So, multiply the twenty companies he sent these ‘packages’ to by at least four and now you’re reaching eighty people.  That’s a lot of people to piss off because you didn’t think before you acted.  I wonder if there will be any additional charges brought against him by those ‘victimless’ victims?

Third, as one commenter pointed out, ‘Why involve the cat?’.  I get this comment was made tongue in cheek, but I think the bigger question is, what led him to think any of this was OK?!

I understand the frustration in the job search.  I understand the frustration with not receiving return calls from recruiters. I understand unemployment benefits being cut.  I get all of that, and I know it’s hard out there.  I beg, however, job seekers to think about what they are doing before they do it.  Send a nasty email to the recruiter?  Do you think that will actually help your chances?  No, you just burned that bridge.  Try to negotiate after the fact?  No, you should have thoroughly discussed compensation packages BEFORE the offer is made.  Any negotiating after the fact may result in you being unconsidered for the position.  Go behind the back of the recruiter?  Why on earth would you do this?!  They are your ally.  Use them as a resource, but don’t go behind their backs.  All of those ‘antics’ could knock you out of the running.  All of those ‘antics’ are bad.

Leverage your resources and develop relationships.  THIS will help in your job search. Don’t burn bridges, and for Pete’s sake, don’t send cat poop through the mail.