Monday, December 29, 2008

'Interview' Resolutions

Now that the holidays are (almost) over, it's time to start thinking about our New Years Resolutions. I'll start with the employee first, next time I'll do the employer!
"Interview" Resolutions
1. I will verify the name, address, client name and time of interview PRIOR to the date of the interview. I will research the company and make a 'dry run' to find the right building. Not making it on time will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
2. I will dress appropriately for an interview. If this means I have a special outfit I reserve only for interviews, then that is what I will do. Not dressing appropriately will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
3. I will be aware of my body language, eye contact, hand shake and overall image from the time I walk into the interview until well after I am gone. Poor presentation will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
4. I will prepare questions for the interviewee (including: when do they want someone to start; what would make someone be the best fit for this position; what is involved with the interview process, are there any benefits, if so, what, etc.). I want to make sure this is the right position for me and not just a job. It's up to me to determine if this company will be a good fit for me as well. If I am interested in the position and the company, I will let everyone in the interview know it! Lack of interest will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
5. I will smile and thank everyone on the way out of the office. I know that everyone in the organization is important and I will treat everyone as such. Appearing to show disrespect will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
6. I will follow up with a hand written thank you note as soon as I get home from the interview. If I was given any tasks or homework to prepare and get back to them, I will do it immediately. Lack of follow up/through will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
7. I will follow up as needed until either the position is filled or it has been determined that I am not a good fit. I will ask for feedback regarding my interview and if there is anything that I can improve on for future interviews. Being closed to feedback will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
8. I will take to heart all the feedback I've received during the interview process. If there are things I can do to improve my interviewing skills while remaining true to myself, then I will work on them. Arrogance will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
9. I will repeat this process as many time as necessary until I find the position that is right for me. Lack of effort will NOT be the reason I didn't get the position.
10. If I didn't get the position I will understand that I did my best during the interview process and that overall, we are not a match for each other. There is someone out there for whom this position, and company, are perfect. I will give myself a minute to feel bad, then I'm moving on. It is not time wasted; even though we weren't a good match, maybe they know somewhere that will be!
Good luck in your job search!

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