Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's not what you know or who you know, it's who knows you

It used to be such a common saying; "It's not what you know, but who you know". In today's ever-changing marketplace, we have to add "it's who knows you' to make that statement legitimate.
True, most say you get your next job through referrals. To a point, anyway. Just because you know, or are thinking about someone, doesn't mean they are thinking about you.
When looking for a new position, it is important that YOU come to mind first for the person who will be hiring. When working with a staffing company, or several of them, it's important to stay in touch ON A REGULAR BASIS with your recruiter. Just because you met once doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job. It may take some time and the more you stay in touch with your recruiter; the more your recruiter gets to know you, the more likely they will be able to find a position for you. The better your recruiter knows you, the easier it will be to place you. That is the key in developing a successful relationship with a staffing company.
Discuss with your recruiter(s) how often to make contact. And then stick to the plan! Make sure you come to mind first with your recruiters; it could make all the difference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I only came across your firm today and responded to a posting from the Michigan Talent Bank (I e-mailed my resume) but wanted you to know how this particular post hit home with me.

I have been unemployed (partially by choice - I returned to school) for over a year. I have my resume with various staffing companies and try to keep in contact with each and every one on a regular basis. However, it is discouraging that depite my efforts, I never hear back from them. I have made phone calls, sent thank you cards (after my initial meetings), e-mails - to no avail. I realize that firms like yours are overwhelmed with people like me but it's frustrating not to even get any type of response.

These comments also apply to the other post on your blog about employers resolutions - getting in touch with candidates. I have gone on second or third interviews thinking that I may have found a "match" only to be left hanging for weeks at a time. If I call to follow up with the company or hiring manager, I'm told that the position was already filled. Ugh! Why would it be so hard to have an assistant call, send an e-mail or drop a note in the mail to inform me or others?

Anyhow, I try each day to stay positive in this horrible environment knowing that someday, someone will find me a valuable employee for their firm.

Thanks for your blog. I really found it useful.

Barbara Sambuchi